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焦春宇 主任医师 教授
- 甲状腺、乳腺及腹部肿瘤的手术治疗与放疗、化疗等综合性、优势治疗;小切口(两厘米左右)条件下的甲状腺切除、颈部无切口的腔镜下甲状腺根治术、腹腔镜下的胃肠肿瘤根治术及低位直肠癌保肛手术、恶性肿瘤规范性淋巴清扫术等
和利稼 副主任医师 副教授
- 擅长微创治疗成人及儿童腹股沟疝,自从事专项、个体化治疗腹股沟疝以来,已经完成疝手术例数近千例,有丰富的疝治疗经验!于2012年完成我市第一例成人疝腹腔镜治疗,开创我市微创治疗疝气先河!
马彩毓 副主任医师 副教授
- 国医正骨治疗腰间盘突出,颈椎病,颈椎间盘突出,颈肩痛,关节炎,腱鞘炎,滑膜炎,神经痛,运动损伤康复,脊柱弯曲畸形矫正。带状疱疹神经痛,胸痛,腹痛,痛经等。运动指导,创伤后康复指导,康复训练指导以及效果评价。
Orthopaedics and Traumatology treatment of lumbar disc herniation, cervical spondylosis, cervical disc, neck pain, arthritis, tenosynovitis, synovitis, neuralgia, sports injury rehabilitation, spinal deformity correction. Postherpetic neuralgia, chest pain, abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea and the like. Movement guidance, post-traumatic rehabilitation guidance, rehabilitation guidance, and Evaluation.
Minimally invasive and endoscopic treatment of thyroid, lung bullae, emphysema, pneumothorax, gallstones, gallbladder polyps, cholecystitis, hemorrhoids, blood in the stool, anal fissure, blood in the stool. Orthopaedics and Traumatology: lumbar disc, sciatica, cervical spondylosis, fasciitis, tenosynovitis and so on. Phimosis, prepuce, Furu, armpit sniffing, breast hyperplasia, lipomas, gynecomastia, liver hemangioma, prostate, hydrocele, cysts, thoracoscopic minimally invasive laparoscopic treatment. Vasculitis, varicose veins, ulcers. Cervical going to the dogs, Nessler cysts, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation. Acne, acne, acne, psoriasis.
Cancer Integrative Medicine.
王勋 主任医师 教授
- 1、普外科腺体肿瘤(甲状腺、乳腺)的个体化手术治疗治疗(乳癌根治手术,保乳手术,前哨淋巴结活检术,甲状腺癌根治性切除,中央区淋巴结清扫)及综合治疗(化疗、放疗、内分泌治疗)2、普外科急重症患者的整体化治疗3、腹壁疝无张力修补手术4、与天津肿瘤医院乳腺科甲状腺科保持常年技术合作,天津肿瘤医院专家定期来我病房手术会诊。