- 医生姓名/职称
- 医院/科室
- 地区
- 擅长描述
- 出诊时间
康国深 主治医师
- 清远
杨其鹏 副主任医师 副教授
- 南京
- 甲状腺肿瘤、乳腺癌、腹股沟疝、胃癌、肝癌、胆囊炎、急性胰腺炎、体表脂肪瘤、小肠肿瘤、乳腺脓肿、肛裂、乳腺纤维瘤等外科疾病的诊治。能熟练掌握外周血管病的介入及人造血管搭桥、动静脉转流,以及各种复杂的腹腔内肿瘤切除、肛肠病治疗、各种类型的疝气修补、复杂的肝胆管结石、门脉高压症合并上消化道大出血的断流、分流及脾脏切除等手术。
任云 副主任医师
- 合肥
- 现从事甲状腺、乳腺外科专业。精通甲状腺乳腺外科所有III,IV类手术,如乳腺癌改良根治、乳腺癌根治术、乳腺癌保乳+前哨淋巴结活检术、乳房再造术、甲状腺癌颈部淋巴结清扫、低领式小切口侧颈部淋巴结功能性清扫等手术。并能独立完成乳腺巨大肿瘤切除术后乳房假体再造,甲状腺巨大肿瘤的射频消融治疗,甲状旁腺移植术。
马彩毓 副主任医师 副教授
- 大庆
- 国医正骨治疗腰间盘突出,颈椎病,颈椎间盘突出,颈肩痛,关节炎,腱鞘炎,滑膜炎,神经痛,运动损伤康复,脊柱弯曲畸形矫正。带状疱疹神经痛,胸痛,腹痛,痛经等。运动指导,创伤后康复指导,康复训练指导以及效果评价。
Orthopaedics and Traumatology treatment of lumbar disc herniation, cervical spondylosis, cervical disc, neck pain, arthritis, tenosynovitis, synovitis, neuralgia, sports injury rehabilitation, spinal deformity correction. Postherpetic neuralgia, chest pain, abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea and the like. Movement guidance, post-traumatic rehabilitation guidance, rehabilitation guidance, and Evaluation.
Minimally invasive and endoscopic treatment of thyroid, lung bullae, emphysema, pneumothorax, gallstones, gallbladder polyps, cholecystitis, hemorrhoids, blood in the stool, anal fissure, blood in the stool. Orthopaedics and Traumatology: lumbar disc, sciatica, cervical spondylosis, fasciitis, tenosynovitis and so on. Phimosis, prepuce, Furu, armpit sniffing, breast hyperplasia, lipomas, gynecomastia, liver hemangioma, prostate, hydrocele, cysts, thoracoscopic minimally invasive laparoscopic treatment. Vasculitis, varicose veins, ulcers. Cervical going to the dogs, Nessler cysts, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation. Acne, acne, acne, psoriasis.
Cancer Integrative Medicine.